We are an independent, Pentecostal church, free from denominational association and control. It is our belief that this is in accord with New Covenant teaching. Likewise, after the New Covenant pattern, the church is self-governing and self-supporting and depends upon the loyal and practical service and support of its members. The Greek word often translated as “ministry” is diakonia, meaning “service.” TMOC means: To render a Faithful service to: the Lord, the church and the world.
The purpose of our ministry is to:
1.) Bring people to saving faith in Christ and then assist them to grow in Christ-likeness.
(2) Bring every believer into a vital, authentic relationship with God through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, such that every believer glorifies God in thought, word, and deed both in the church and in the world with the ultimate goal of presenting every one complete in Christ (Col. 1:28).
Our ministry is not about ritual or routine religion but a living relationship with God. It is not about numerical growth but spiritual growth. It is not about programmes but about people - people who are wholly focused on God, powerfully filled with the Spirit, and happily united in a community of grace; people who vibrantly exalt Christ, openly perform works of faith, accurately teach the truth, boldly proclaim the gospel in word and deed, and authentically depend upon prayer.